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By Joyce - 3 Mar 2014


Your response here is what I mean.  To the Christian church, and to you also apparently, God's love is the only one really considered to be important to the human being.  Well, I do disagree.  When Jesus told us to love one another, as Paul expounded upon also, he meant in all healthy ways, as total, feeling, spiritual beings.  The reason he commanded this so strongly is because He created us, knows he created us as gregarious creatures, and that if we do not engage in secure, healthy nurturing attachments with one another, things will go to the bad side.  People will have all sorts of mental/emotional/social, and physical ailments, too, including sinning.  So, I am left in a quandary, and do not call myself a Christian anymore, but a "Follower of the Way," meaning Jesus' way of love. 

Sincerely loving one another does NOT take away from our loving God, rather (according to St. Paul) if we do not love  one another, with affectionate brotherly love) we do not love God either.  Either we are loving, compassionate creatures, for ALL, or not!! 

God Bless All Your Work for the Animals, and Lotsa Love to You and Mary, who I am genuinely attached to.  

Joyce K. 

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