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By Donna - 2 Jul 2014

I would like to say that I just came upon your website and it made me weep because it is exactly how I've been feeling.   Very alone in my quest to bring the message of the genocide of our fellow creatures.  I am so in the minority in the group of people I correspond with on FB but I continue to bring the message and live by it as well.  I also feel many times that I don't want to live in this society or on this beautiful planet because those of us who love it, respect it and try to maintain it are considered "the fringe" and the corporations and indifferent majority are running everything and destroying every thing.

This is not to say that I would do anything to harm myself because I value this amazing life that God chose to create through me but sometimes I just can't stand it and I want to live in an animal sanctuary and beg their forgiveness and to tell them (the animals) that there are some humans who love, respect and work tirelessly to save and protect them.  Even though it seems like these times will never end.

What I am trying to say is that you have heard the pain in my heart and given voice to it and it is nice to know that I am not alone in how I feel.  It has renewed my strength.



Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 2 Feb 2014
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