Watching the news tonight, California is in an extremely severe drought and the forcast is no rainfall through the end of October. I live in the central coast area of San Luis Obispo County. There are plenty of cattle ranchers and wine vineyards in our area. They get priority over anyone for water. We are in dire need of rainfall. I am so very concerned for the wildlife. I am so very concerned for everyone.
I do not know how to help people to understand that we must repent of our selfish living and stop living like we all do. I especially want all my family and friends to be vegan.
Once again, I am totally ignored and I am looked at as very odd. No one calls me or writes me emails. I am pretty much alone except for my husband being in agreement with me.
I write and post on Facebook things that are positive messages for veganism and animal cared. Not one comment from anyone ever! I do believe they all have blocked me/. I posted photos of my son and his girlfriend and me as they visited me and nobody liked the photos or made a comment except for my daughter that lives in Europe did. Pretty sure now that I am blocked by all my cousins, aunt and other relatives. I feel like I must have done more harm than good with my postings, now they totally ignore me!
I am so very concerned for our state and the drought.
I do not think we vegans can stand up against the meat industries or the egg or the dairy, they will stop us from getting the word out about the connection this has to our drought.
What can I do differently or better?
Very concerned and praying.
Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 1 Aug 2014
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