Thanks for your personal response. I'm surprised at how many
supposedly top flight web sites respond mechanically with automated replies
to emails, sometimes giving me answers to questions I didn't ask.
Thanks also for the suggestions on recipes; I didn't see it but it is a good
first step when someone reads your stuff then says to themselves, 'What do I
do next?'
Surprise coincidence! One of my very best friends in college was named Frank
Hoffman. Have'nt talked to him in years. He went on to study
philosophy and now teaches that full time at a university. But now
then I guess you have become one too. There must be a hidden force in the
universe that urges people named, 'Frank Hoffman' to turn into
Hmmm...I think I'll give old Frank a call.
Go on to comments: By Alwynne - 8 Aug 2014
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