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By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 16 Sep 2014

Dear Joni:

The response of the pastor to the question about animals in heaven is incorrect. Please take a look at:

God is all spirit and sinless, and we are not, so the meaning of being in the image of God must also be a spiritual one. Yes, we were created in the spiritual image of God, but when we rebelled against God, we also seem to have fallen from the full image of God, but upon our salvation and resurrection, we appear to regain this image of God.

The Bible tells us that animals were created as our helpers and companions, and not to be exploited or dominated as these pastors seem to be trying to justify. Jesus says of religious leaders such as these that they are of their father the devil.

As soon as we see the true character of such religious leaders, we ignore them and their false teachings. Change stations or turn off the radio.

Jesus tells us that we are to be perfect as our father in heaven is perfect, and God does not harm animals.

We hope this helps.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

Go on to comments: By Mary - 29 Sep 2014
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