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By Dot Hayes - 8 Oct 2014

Frank and Mary, 

My church has decided to have a special coffee hour to discuss animals being part of God's sacred kingdom as a result of the DVD you offered , Why Vegan, and other information I handed them, and my bulldogging them. 

They, the priest and his assistant will do all the talking. It, I told them, should come from them. 

It'll be a vegan coffee. 

I'm, of course, participating in church to have more subtle changes, without much success. I did do a vegan lasagna for the back from summer dinner.

My new book, Broken Window, will be out in Feb or March, with it's vegan reporter and detective. 

It also addresses other horrible ills of the world, human trafficking, abducted girls and boys, and those who run away from troubled homes only to sell themselves on the street and those youth advocates that help them.

Yet it ends fairly well. God help us. 

Anyway, thought you'd like to know. You've been so great with moral support as I waited for the church's response.

I owe you a great large bowl filled with sunshine, moonlight, and a bouquet of stars. 

Okay, so it's corny!

Much love in Christ,

Dot Hayes

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