I don't know if you remember me but I wrote to you about three years ago and you published my story Keesha Light Of Our Souls on your website. Well, I just wanted to wish you a happy new year, give you an update, and ask a question. :-)
Okay, the newest member of our family is Darcy. Yay!!!! Pic included. She is a long hair Chihuahua Pomeranian mix and is also a rescue. And... today is her birthday! She reminds me so much of Keesha because she is so loving and everyone just adores her.
I am still a volunteer as a Pet Loss Grief Counselor and will always be. I recently became a volunteer for the animal shelter. I am also a custodian for my parents church. This wasn't the career path that I thought I'd be doing but it turns out that I like it. I don't mind cleaning cos I like things to be clean and organized. As far as churches go, I still haven't found one that I call home yet. Its been very disappointing but I'm still looking. I have found so many churches that have a animal ministry but none are close to me. So, I offered to start one and I either get ignored or they tell me they aren't interested. I just don't get it. So, I do a devotion on my own. Animals should be an amazing part of everyone's lives, especially those that love and fear God. But I can't seem to find what I so need in this area.
I am still taking care of my Mom (Thelma) She has more bad days lately
than good but she tries to keep her spirits up. I am so proud of her for
that. My Dad (Joe) seems to be increasingly angry at the circumstances. I
think he can't handle what is happening and wants everything to be like it
was. His temper really is out of control and being a minister, that isnt
good. Ive had several church members approach me to talk about him.
My boyfriend and I are still together. It will be six years in June. We are
starting over and trying to patch things up. Im just not one to give up on
Anyway, I can definitely use your prayers for all of the above. I thank you tremendously.
And if there is anything I can pray for you for, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Okay, here is my question. I have strongly believed, without a doubt that animals go back to God. In other words, they are in heaven. I can't picture not one if Gods beautiful babies being in hell. I also, firmly believe that if Jesus should come while I am still alive, that all animals will be raptured. Please, help me with this one. I just want to know the truth. What are your thoughts? Thank you so much for your time. And thank you for reading such a lengthy email.
Please take care of yourself and many blessings to you! ((Hugs))!
Warmly, Cher
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