Thank you.
I used to go go your site and Now years later was reading about the Bear bile and was signing petitions, then learned that dogs skinned alive an left in hudge piles and it sicken me.
Then I read they where eating animals alive and skinning them alive, I couldn't sleep, was upset and praying to GOD to stop this EVIL, and reading your site I was starting to feel better.. reading about the animals blood, and that they to have souls and I turned to my dog, Nora and said Nora, I know you have a SOUL.. and she Sat up on her back end and raised both of her arms Straight up to the ceiling... Praise GOD.. it says in the bible even the rock will cry out!...
Just wanted to say Thank you for your site... I'm smiling again.
Thank YOU
Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 17 Jan 2015
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