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By Beate - 2 Mar 2015

Dear Rev. Frank,

Do you think it could be a good idea to send this letter to the churches of yours to one or more of my local pastors?

For many years I faithfully went to church however I find it more and more heartbreaking to listen to  these self serving ways of  interpreting  the Holy Scriptures.

Most of the time I do not even go to church any more-neither do I want to listen to radio sermons which in previous years taught me so much about life and faith after I became a Christian.

I have always been an animal lover and vegetarian since decades, and -thank God -finally understood to be a vegan . I do not want to be part of any cruelty any more if I can help.

It was wonderful to discover that God's plans have laid out  from the very beginning:

for humankind to serve and protect  His garden of Eden.

I started leafleting at colleges with Mercy For Animals vegan brochures - which is inspiring with all the young people :) and will start leafleting Christian Vegetarian Association leaflets at different churches / events as soon as CVA will send me the material.

Thank you so much for your  wonderful site - I wish every pastor should be familiar with it.

Back to my question; would it be ok to send your *Letter to Churches* to some of my local churches and if so how exactly?

Wishing you God's amazing blessings with love for the animals.


Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 3 Mar 2015
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