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By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 21 Mar 2016

Dear Chris:

Thank you for your follow up study. The other thing to think about is that a single batch of stem cells won’t last forever, and new ones will be needed.

Mice naturally are vegan, and vegans don’t get type 2 diabetes. The most common cause of diabetes is from eating animal products, particularly the animal fat. We have also read a number of case studies of doctors reversing or curing diabetes by having their patients go on a whole food (unprocessed) vegan diet with lots of fresh veggies and fruit. You should talk to your father about this, and we’d be happy to help. Take a look at our health section

We look forward to hearing back from you.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

Go on to comments: By Pinky - 28 Mar 2016
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