Thank you.
Your posts, reviews, reproductions, are excellent, are standouts as unique work. I have been Vegan for the better part of 40 years. Organic, Holistically oriented, for the planet, the Animals, for the health of all those concerned. Again, your work is excellent.
I was looking for the article by Dr Jay Lavine, from A Case For Jewish Vegetarianism. And it was only you who had the gumption to reprint the pamphlet in it's entirety, with that article highlighted.
I feel the media must be deluged. Events must be organized in public forums to challenge the status quo. I did Vegan programming on WBAI, in NYC. Co-hosted, co-produced. We did a program on Dec 25. 2006. maybe the only show of it's kind, on how Jesus was Vegan. I tried to organize debates between medical people, but got very little support. Right now, there are sites negating material, that which can be seen and heard in films like Cowspiracy. Having these people debate proponents of Vegan ecology, could be really effective. The same goes for medical, sociological, historical, religious. Thank you, again, so much, for your unique efforts and accomplishments.
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