Dear friends in Christ,
We are happy for the work you are doing helping the lives of people through the Word of God. We are a group of 28 members started as a Bible study group and we are commissioned to proclaim the gospel of the coming kingdom of God in Kenya as a witness and to teach the gospel of the great commission in Matthew 28:19-20.
Apart from preaching the word of God my wife is taking care of 8 orphans. Here we assemble in a hired house to study the bible, to worship and to do fellowship. We desire your prayer and and request you to extend your ministry as God allows or leads to reach Kenya with the Gospel as brothers and sisters.
We ask you to take us to work as your branch in Kenya.
Happy to hear more.
Yours in Christ
Pastor Choti
Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 13 Sep 2016
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