Oh, I want to meet you all one day SOON...I sure hope you know the blessing you all are to a human like me. :-) I see you all in my email and I am lifted up and more hopeful. I have been a member of the Army of the Kind,the Compassion movement since I was a very young child. I am almost 62 now and I will simply say that JESUS and I continue working together and I am so grateful to him for helping to keep me going. The connection with humans like YOU ALL here,"ALL Creatures"is a reminder of his love for me and all of us, as well as ALL beings. I had to email you all today to "connect"more formally so that you all would know how grateful I am to be connected with you all. I want to take part in more that you all share that is going on. I am one that has kind of isolated except for being with my animals that are my family.
I am an older human back in College also hoping to expand my Human Services mission work I have done for most of my life. I get a bit discouraged with often feeling powerless over some very troubling things that continue to go on in my world, but I continue to try to do the best I can with sharing "light"when it is needed. Again, I thank you for being here, and I am so grateful to be connected with you all. Bless you all. Please keep shining !
Love and Peace for ALL beings,
Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 28 Oct 2016
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