Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Was reading the article surmon "Who has the right to take vengance" by PastorFrank Hoffman and it is very interesting. The reason I came to this article as God is love and while I am a weak Christian I got myself caught up in this sort of internet sex sting operation. While my intent was to try the sprits I questioned the person on why they were on an adult site and keep getting lies and different story's.
The person wanted to get a it spicy or naughty or whatever the reason and I told them you should be in a teenage site this is an adult site. I know I was wrong being on an adult sex site. I cannot justify myself and we are all sinners.
While their main reason was to get me to travel down their show some dirty pictures which I didn't as I didn't know the person or spirit on the other side of the screen. Sure they showed me a picture, said they were 15 and wanted someone to talk to. I felt sorry that nobody would talk to them... To make a long story shortI left the site but the next night they were badgering me again. This time I decided to go down their on one condiction no sex.. Believe it or not that policeman was a Christian as he told me after I posed the question to him and he waited a day or two to give me an answer.
While that was six years ago I feel betrayed and am now branded. I took a plea deal and that was all a bit shady ordeal because when I got down their and was question I told them straight up you dont' know my thoughts and you don't know my intent and started preaching a bit as it was like the devil playing a dirty trick like the story in the garden of Eden.
Pastor to this day I have been trying to find some answers. I know God is true and we all make misstakes and stumble at times but that has taught me a lesson and while I wanted to expose them and help others in this area so they may give their life to Jesus and strive for his kingdom and glory, it seems I backside a bit. While I understand the truth will make you free man seems not willing to accept the truth in these greedy ordeals.
While there was no real teenager and just a coy to entice one it seems just having a potty mouth caused me to stumble. I know the bible talks about .. their is no temptation that God will provide a way.
Maybe you can give me some words of encouragement as these things are different than actual physical encounters. Its like one spirit trying another spirit and the bible says they shouldn't tempt another this way. Sure I know what it says about sexual immorality and we all have faults. Thank God for sending his Som to those that ask him into our hearts.
Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 13 May 2018
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