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By Marion - 18 Feb 2020

I don’t know how I came across this website, I think it was from God. It immediately spoke to my heart like nothing I have ever read before. I am Christian, I live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia and belong to the United Church. For as long as I can remember, I have been asking why the churches never pray for the animals. The word “animals” is never even spoken, they are never mentioned at all. Churches have thrown God’s animals under the bus

I love all animals with all my heart and have nightmares about the abuse I have witnessed and heard about and am bombarded with on the internet. I sign every petition that comes along to try to stop it. The abuse of animals is overwhelming in this world and my heart breaks daily over them. I pray for them daily.

This is the first thing I have ever read that gives me validation for what I feel and I am 70 years old. If we are not taking care of the animals, we are not following God. The words in this site echo what has always been in my heart. I have always felt like no one is listening. Thank you for your compassion. You have given me hope, I am not alone in this.

God bless,


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