Animals Eating AnimalsAnimals Eating Animals
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By Karolin - 16 Feb 2014

Hi there and happy Sunday!
We were just talking about you. I just joined and online group "gentle chef" and gave your e-mail address to some ladies in the forum.
I also spoke to my mom in Germany and she told me that it is very well known in Germany  that the zoos breed these animals in order to slaughter them and feed them to the others in order to save on food costs. Did you know that?
On a good note, she said that the second giraffe has an offer to be taken in by a park called Serengeti (or something like that). They said that their bull just died and that they would like this one, that bloodlines, etc. don't matter to them. Apparently that park is a huge nature park where the animals are not confined like in zoos.
We'll see.

Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 16 Feb 2014
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