Animal Rights Activism: What's the Best Way?


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Animal Rights Activism: What's the Best Way?
Comments by Joyce - 28 May 2009


Governor General Jean's intent with this act was to befriend herself to the Inuit culture and make them see her as an advocate and friend. Traditionally Governor Generals, as representatives of the Queen in our country, are to be seen as apolitical. But as she is nearing the end of her term she has decided to take up the cause of our troubled Inuit people.

That being said when I opened up the paper yesterday morning I was horrified (especially reading when she asked Inuit elders if she could have the heart) but yet sympathetic. I can see what she is trying to do but have problems with her modus operandi. In short, isn't there another way she could have befriended herself to the Inuit?

Here's another point to consider: You and I are very blessed that we have the choice to become vegetarian (I was especially thankful after I read that story!!!) but the Inuit in our Arctic do not have that choice. I hope that this incident does not become an excuse for those of us who live in warmer climates to bash indigenous cultures for a way of life that has sustained them for thousands of years. I hope that this incident simply draws attention to the albeit well-intentioned, yet completely misguided act of an individual in public office who simply wanted to be seen as friend to the Inuit.

And, as previously mentioned on another discussion group, I am completely annoyed at PETA for linking this with a suggested ban on Canadian maple syrup?!?!!?

And I am NEVER embarrassed to be Canadian!!! eh? :)


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