Biblical "Justification" of Cruelty to Animals a Stumbling Block to Faith

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Biblical "Justification" of Cruelty to Animals a Stumbling Block to Faith
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 9 Jun 2007

Dear Carol:

Thank you for writing. You're not alone in your feelings and questions.

But instead of dwelling on all these theological points, we like to suggest that we simply look at the beginning where there was no violence or death in Eden, and at the end where there is no suffering or death in heaven. Both of these conditions are depictions of God's creation intent. Logically, therefore, everything in the middle must have something wrong with it, just as you clearly see.

If we can agree with at least this much, then, we'd like to suggest that you read one of my papers that discusses our present state of being:

Living in the Will Rather than the Concessions of God 

We also hope this will answer your comments about our lifestyle.

We're very interested in your comments.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

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