Blog - Joyful Curmudgeon

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Blog - Joyful Curmudgeon
Comments by: Manny Legakis - 23 Mar 2007

These Comments are from the Joyful Curmudgeon - Blog

Re: The Slaughtermen of Bassatin - 4 Mar 2006

As I'm born here in Australia, we hunt feral animals as they are considered as pest animals like pigs, goats rabbits, hares and foxes and many more, but what i shoot i always take home to eat, I'm a very ethical hunter as i hate the mistreatment of animals as its awful. My dad before he passed away used to be a butcher here in Melbourne, as we had a shop, he was a hunter too but never liked to see animals suffer like that. I couldn't go vegan but to bloody stop live exports from Australia. I used to see down at Portland, its a coastal town west of vic, when i was a kid, sheep loaded up onto the ship bound for the middle east, this was 28 years ago, i was six at the time. My dad used to tell me that they were the crap sheep, that farmers never wanted as they were too old and useless to them, sent for slaughter to the middle east

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