Our subjects cover: animals, religion (Christian, Jewish and others); diet and lifestyle (vegan and vegetarian); and other miscellaneous subjects.
These Comments are from the Joyful Curmudgeon - Blog
Re: Abuse of Children and Animals - 17 Feb 2006
Thank you for your prompt response to my comments.
Rather than enter into differences we may have regarding the matters you have mentioned, may I reiterate the main point I wanted to make, upon which you made no comment.
That there were no “Slaughterhouses” in Eden, clearly reinforces the singular, ‘plant sources’ of God’s providence in meeting the needs on man’s food requirements. In other words, God did not create the animals, primarily for man’s food requirements, so they must have been created for a purpose other than for food. That is where we should be looking, to see the original purpose and intent for which animals were created and then, treat them accordingly.
Slaughtering an animal in Eden did happen, but it came only as a result of man’s disobedience and served the singular purpose of covering man’s shame when he sinned against God. It would be a leap beyond reasonable credibility, if it were suggested, that this particular ‘slaughter’ contradicted what I have claimed.
It was of profound interest to me to read T. Colin Campbell’s, “The China Study” and find that his life-long studies confirmed that what God ordained that man should nourish his body with, corresponds with the optimum diet for human health and our ability to resist disease. As I read his book I recalled God’s problem with Israel demanding animal flesh in preference to the coriander seed, plant style “Manna” He provided for them during their time in the wilderness.
On another subject, may I draw your attention to the scripture below, quoted by Frank Hoffman, in one of the links you gave me. If you pause and consider the implications, from a farmer’s perspective, of what this scripture is saying about sowing and reaping, the contrasting temperatures of the seasons all operating in the orderly fashion in which night follows day, for “As long as the earth endures,” I cannot see, for the life of me, where man has the ability to override God’s decree here and become responsible for man-made “Climate Change,” as the world’s so-ca;lied scientific experts inform us is the case, do you?
22 "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." (NIV)
My thoughts,
Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 26 Apr 2016
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