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Christian Living Articles
Comments by H. B. Lee - 12 Apr 2009

In Reference to: The Church's Blind Spot

I just wanted to tell you that last week I ran some copies of The Church's Blind Spot, wrote a personal note, and (courage in hand) sent a copy to each of the four pastors in my church.

Munsey Methodist is a very large church and I was not at all sure how it would be received. This morning three of the pastors thanked me for the information (didn't see #4). One reports that he and the senior pastor have discussed it. I suggested that now we know, it is time for action. He agreed.

Through the Caring for God's Creation Committee I will be doing a literature information table on May 3, coinciding w/ Be Kind to Animals Week. This is my second table; I did one last September.

Let's pray that people will ask questions, take literature and, as a church, we will take action.

Thank you.

H.B. Lee

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