White-Tailed DeerWhite-Tailed Deer
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By Anne Muller - 24 Nov 2013

Dear David,

Sadly, that is the usual state of things when it comes to deer and other wild animals.  I never know if someone is going to be helpful or not until it is tried as there are thousands of rehabbers in our lists across the country, but I also always tell people to use extreme caution when speaking with a rehabber or vet and not to let anyone know the address until confidence is felt.  Vets are the only ones who can dart with tranquilizers.

I am sorry to hear that the deer has not returned and will join you in your prayers for her.

Please don’t let your daughter think there are no good people in the world.  We just have to find who they are.

Please let me know if the deer returns.



Go on to comments: By Frank and Mary Hoffman - 28 Nov 2013
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