The Holy Spirit Gives Us the Empowerment to Live as Christians


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The Holy Spirit Gives Us the Empowerment to Live as Christians
Comments by Lucetia - 1 May 2008

In Reference to: The Holy Spirit Gives Us the Empowerment to Live as Christians

God Bless you,

I am a 32 year old female seeking the Lord and I thought that I had my Christian walk together, but recently I allowed the devil in, however I decided that I wouldn't allow him to take full control.

I was testifying about my struggles in church this past Sunday and expressing that I needed to kill my flesh and felt as though I couldn't do it on my own. I've been praying about my situation but not wholeheartedly.

I didn't want to continue in sin, but felt I was to weak to do it on my own.

My Co Pastor stated that the Lord reveled to her that I needed the Holy Spirit.

She gave me Acts1:8 to study. I read, but had yet received full understanding as to what I need to do in order to receive the Holy Spirit.

I always thought that once you accept Christ that you received the Holy Spirit.

Let Me get to my point.

I searched on line for Sermons about Acts 1:8 and yours came up.. WOW!

God used you, It was like an instruction manual, I appreciated the Scripture references given they provided further clarity. What I Loved most was when you stated, Combine your Faith and Your Prayers Together - Faith admits the Holy Spirit In; however, in order to be in-filled you must clean out the junk first. Wonderfully put.

Please continue to be a blessing and may God continue to work through you.
