The Holy Spirit Gives Us the Empowerment to Live as Christians


Our subjects cover: animals, religion (Christian, Jewish and others); diet and lifestyle (vegan and vegetarian); and other miscellaneous subjects.

The Holy Spirit Gives Us the Empowerment to Live as Christians
Comments by Frank L. Hoffman - 21 Jan 2003

In Reference to: The Holy Spirit Gives Us the Empowerment to Live as Christians

Dear Julie and Others:

People used to tell us not to offend others (with the truth), or to couch the truth so as not to trouble people's consciences. Well, we found out that such advice isn't Godly.

Probably the most striking example of the effectiveness of presenting the whole truth has been our recently published series of Animal Exploitation Photo Journals Last week, that single section of our web site had more than 88,000 accesses to the photos and comments. The vast majority of our emails are encouraging us to publish more. Many people have told us they never knew it was so bad, and that it made them cry.

We should never be afraid to speak and present the whole truth. The truth only offends when it pricks the heart of an unrepentant and unteachable spirit. But for the most part, the truth heals the soul of all who have the love of God in them.

We need to go forth in the power and confidence of the Holy Spirit.

In the Love of the Lord,
