God and Suffering

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God and Suffering
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 19 Jan 2009

Dear Ray and Others:

Back on 15 Jan 2009 you questioned Elaine's faith in the Bible and asked some questions; however in doing so, you left out a very important part of one verse that explains, in part, why God seems to allow suffering to exist, and also the differences in your respective faith/belief in the inspired nature of the Bible.

In quoting Genesis 8:21, you wrote, "And the LORD smelled the soothing aroma; and the LORD said to Himself," but you omitted, "I will never again curse the ground on account of man, for the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth; and I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done."

What this is saying is that is that God destroyed the earth by flood to wipe out all unrighteousness, and even after all of this, Noah still felt that he had to kill an innocent animal and make a sacrifice for his supposed sins.  And while God did accept his offering, He also realized that the heart and soul of human beings had not changed, and was evil from their youth.  Thus He would no longer destroy the earth, Himself; He would now let human beings do it, as we have been proven, we are very capable of doing.

We need to harmonize the Bible teachings, and separate God's intent from the concessions He allows in the hope of bringing sinful human beings back into God's will.  We have written more about this and the Genesis 8-9 passages in the Bible section of our web site http://www.all-creatures.org/bible.html

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