Hosea 2:18Hosea 2:18: God's New Covenant between Man and Animal
Archive of Comments and Discussions - Questions and Answers From All-Creatures.org

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See the commentary by Martin V. Cisneros upon which this discussion is based:
Hosea 2:18: God's New Covenant between Man and Animal

By M. A. Shafi - 23 Sep 2014

Dear Brother/Sister,

 My heart is filled with pleasure  when I read the article about animals (Hosea 2:18) in your site, that God loves  care and prepare a space for the animals  in His future Kingdom.

Many Times I feel sad and depressed when I think of the fate or destiny of the animals ...no one is caring for them ..they are cruelly handled by human beings and they can't even share their agony to anyone..

In our country Ox's are handled extremely worse They are castrated, nailed horseshoe in the legs, Hot iron bars punched on their backs as a treatment of Rheumatism, chilly paste at their eyes, Heavy load pulled, no proper food and water, and at last they were given to butchers...some of them kill them very cruelly even hammering at their heads. I can't explain ... But now I am happy because I believe that God is providing them for His coming Kingdom...

Thank God Thanks Jesus.

God bless you


M. A. Shafi

Kerala, India 

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