Frank L. Hoffman Interviewed: Inhumane Treatment of Animals in Slaughterhouses


Our subjects cover: animals, religion (Christian, Jewish and others); diet and lifestyle (vegan and vegetarian); and other miscellaneous subjects.

Frank L. Hoffman Interviewed: Inhumane Treatment of Animals in Slaughterhouses

My name is Marissa Song, I am 12, and I am a 7th grade student at a public school in New York City called NEST+m (New Explorations in Science, Technology and Math). I found out about your organization after researching the topic of “Inhumane Treatment of Animals in Slaughterhouses.” I am currently working on an English Language Arts project for school. The project involves picking a problem in society, researching the topic, and thinking of a way to solve the problem or even just to make a dent in it and making a difference.

As a part of my project, I am to interview a person who is knowledgeable about my chosen topic, the “Inhumane Treatment of Animals in Slaughterhouses,” and who is actively participating in addressing this issue. I would like to have an e-mail interview with someone from your organization. The following are my questions.

Marissa Song: What is your point of view on the inhumane treatment of animals in slaughterhouses?

Frank L. Hoffman: There really isn't any way to slaughter animals humanely. The only way to end the suffering is to end the raising of animals for food.

MS: Do you think that all slaughterhouses that use methods of torture on their animals should be banned and closed?

FLH: Absolutely! And, by the way, this would mean that all slaughterhouses would be closed.

MS: How do you think the issue of inhumane treatment of animals in slaughterhouses should be address?

FLH: People have advocated and tried to introduce ways to get the inhumanity out of the animal agriculture industry, which includes slaughterhouses, and they have never been able to achieve it. It's simply and impossible dream. The inhumane treatment of animals is all part of the slaughter process.

MS: Linda McCartney once said, “If slaughterhouses have glass walls, everyone in the world would be a vegetarian.” Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

-FLH: It would sure help, but there are still a lot of people who don't care if animals suffer for them to have their pound of flesh.

MS: Why do you think workers at slaughterhouses treat the animals so poorly?

FLH: The very nature of taking the life of another living being, requires a person to lose their empathy for that being and harden their heart, but somewhere inside, they still know what they are doing, and it causes anger to build up inside. Then they take that anger and frustration out on whoever they can: the animals, their family members, and even some others.

MS: One worker said that, “The calves will get killed anyway. Why should we have to treat the cows like kings?” Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

FLH: We disagree! This is just an attempt to try to justify their treatment and killing of the animals. The calves and other animals would get killed anyway, if people didn't raise them for food and money.

MS: Are you a vegetarian? If so, why? If not, why not?

FLH: Yes, we are vegetarian (vegan) for reasons of compassion, and to set an example before others of a compassionate way of living.

MS: What do you have to say to the workers in slaughterhouses?

FLH: I would say, "Find a compassionate job!" However, the real problem begins on the plate of most people, because, until they stop eating animals and their bodily secretions, the money will go to support the factory farms and slaughterhouses, including their workers.

MS: Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions by email.