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Christian Pacifism
Comments by Frank L. Hoffman - 17 Jan 2002 - 0728

Dear Jim and Other:

Your example of the Samaritan coming upon the robbery in progress is excellent.  Such a situation tries the resolve of all people who profess non-violence.

Are we to stand by and watch?   NO!  For to do so is condoning the violence.

Are we to become violent against the robber to stop his aggression?  NO!  That, too, is violent.

Do we try to separate the two and stand between them to stop the robbery and beating?  YES!  Because by such action we are stopping violence.  This approach may require some "force" or strength, but we do not have to be violent ourselves, even if we are hurt in the process.

Just my $0.02.

In the Love of the Lord,


Isaiah writes about the Messiah as being "The Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6).  Jesus calls upon all believers to become peacemakers, and says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [children] of God" (Matthew 5:9).  Paul writes, "For the anxious longings of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons [children] of God" (Romans 8:19).

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