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Christian Pacifism
Comments by Maynard S. Clark - 15 Jan 2002 - 1601

 Try to live that way?  You'll end up with
  --  lots of SELF-sacrifice
  --  lots of OTHER-sacrifice

It's ONE thing to tell OURSELVES that we need to be rug mats for others, but quite ANOTHER thing to tell OTHER folks that THEY must choose to suffer indignities and even physical harm because of the "free choices" of those who perpetrate barbarities upon them.

Surely we often hear pacifists tell us (and others) that WE ought to do 'X', and/or NOT do 'Y',
    and we're given an array of rationales for doing 'X' and not doing 'Y',
    but are we obliged to agree with and/or believe those rationales?

When we present a metaphysics, theological or otherwise, what obligation does that offer?

The answers are many -- a cacophonous many...

But then, secular, naturalist justifications for war and/or pacifism are many, also...

Just my 1.5 cents worth, I s'pose...


Isaiah writes about the Messiah as being "The Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6).  Jesus calls upon all believers to become peacemakers, and says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [children] of God" (Matthew 5:9).  Paul writes, "For the anxious longings of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons [children] of God" (Romans 8:19).

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