Psalm 46:10Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God
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By Marni Montanez

Psalm 46:10

10 Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

I believe the Lord is speaking of our internal state of being, not literally to sit and be quiet, although this would be helpful. In this verse the Lord is very specific of His instruction. He is telling us to “Be” still.

This is a call to let go of our strivings and to allow the Holy Presence of God to usher us into His peace. This is a call to let go of our own agendas and let God reveal His design for our life.

This is a cry from the heart of God saying “I want intimacy with you." He who created all that is good, the Lord of the Universe wants us be intimate with him and allow Him to reveal His deepest passion for each one of us .

In these moments of fellowship with our Creator our bodies are rejuvenated and become restored and rested. We are meant to continue to prove our faith by our works and we are still to continue praying without ceasing and serve in the manner God calls us, but we do so without the carnal effort to push and exhaust us.

Instead, in these meditative states we learn the value in waiting on God. This is a place that most of us rarely, if at all, visit. It is where we hear the voice of God and stand in His presence. This is not easily accomplished in a world where it is socially acceptable to be on the go and always listening to noises.

I often wonder what it was like in the Garden of Eden. This is what God created us for; a place of serenity and sounds of heaven.

Within ourselves are many noises of the world or the noises in our minds that come from worry, anger, bitterness, fear…etc.. These noises do not make sense to our spirit since we were created for Eden. They cause stress and anxiety and we behave in ways that we would not behave if we were surrounded by the sounds of heaven.

The sounds of heaven make sense to us because God created these sounds just for us; Sounds of trusting in God; Sounds of hope and love, sounds of mercy and compassion. These sounds bring peace and confidence. They bring restoration and quietness that causes us to be intimately connected in the presence of God.

In this way, as we are still before God and honoring Him with our trust we are acknowledging our faith in Him and saying , "you alone oh God, can lead me to where I need to be". He is then exalted and glorified. Trusting God is what pleases Him.

I have learned that in my life I need those moments where I am completely alone with God. If I don’t do this daily, eventually depression takes over and I feel worthless and ugly, but in the encounters I have with God and resting in His presence I find renewed strength, purpose and a value within me that is supernatural and manifests in the physical.

Sometimes the Spirit of God reaches so deeply in me that out from my belly comes a wailing that I could not duplicate in my day to day life. I may not know the source of this profound cry from my heart, but I know it is an interwoven display of God's heart for this world linked with mine and in this moment I am purged of my own desires and take on the desires of the Lord.

It is in this place where my deepest loneliness and fear are surrendered into the Father’s hands. When I am poured out it is then that I feel the release of something I can not adequately articulate. I feel a renewed cleansing and strength. And once again I am hopeful.

This takes practice and faithfulness to "be" still in our hearts before the Lord. It takes times of denying ourselves and looking upward to know the all-consuming love and passion of God. I suggest going somewhere where distractions are few, like to a park or an ocean; somewhere you can feast on God’s magnificent creation.

Or perhaps taking a long hot bath and soaking in the warmth will inspire you to be still. Each time I come to the Lord it is different. I ask Him to lead and I find myself in the glory of His presence, singing, or reading His word or just talking to my Father God. And like I said, sometimes they are solemn moments of deep grieving. It is all rich. I challenge you to find your place of stillness with the Lord.

I encourage you to take this time and to begin a journey of renewed faith, strength and encouragement.

God bless you


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