Our Sermon Section
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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 1 Feb 2004

In Reverence to: 15 September 1996 - THOSE WHO DO NOT FORGIVE OTHERS GO TO HELL

Dear D:

I see by your next email, where you copied a portion of this sermon, that you answered your own question.

The Jewish expression 7X7 means that we are not to give up on someone for at least 49 times, but when Jesus expanded this to be 70X7, He was saying that it was without limit.

As an example, we get a few pieces of hate mail every week, and we always answer them as politely as we can, which we suppose is a way of saying we have some experience.

The sermon we published today also speaks of trust.

I don't believe that asking for forgiveness is necessarily the same as being truly repentant. This is why God sees the intent of the heart, rather than the words spoken on the surface. True repentance always brings forgiveness. I also don't believe a person has to ask for forgiveness; their true repentance seems to bring it automatically.

Part of the agony of the cross is unrepented sin.

Fear of the Lord always means a reverence for God.

If you look over other sections of our web site, you will find many other writers.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

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