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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Patricia - 8 Feb 2004
In Reference to: 12 Apr 1998 - Walking and Talking with Jesus
Dear Pastor Hoffman -
Thanks for your sermon about walking with Jesus. Just found it on Google under "talking to Jesus."
The best part of the sermon, for me, was the part where you talked about how you feel Jesus Presence throughout the day. This is reaffirming for me that people can live like that.
I do know it is possible from limited experience. My guides - other than the Holy Spirit Himself of course, and the Bible - have been Frank Laubach and Brother Andrew. I am learning how to come into His Presence, more and more, through praise and worship. It is awesome how different the world is, how differently He allows me to see things, when I see them through His eyes. It is a little scary. Just because it is so different from the "real" world. But I know He is moving me into it more and more, that realm of the Supernatural. And it was good to read of someone who seems to be living there and doing great!
Thanks or the encouragement.
In Christ,
Go on to Comments by Howard - 5 May 2008
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