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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Sandra - 15 Nov 2004
In Reference to: 4 May 1997 - WE CANNOT PUT LIMITS ON GOD'S GRACE
My name is Sandra, and I have always known of God, but I never knew him until 5 years ago. Now I am 50.
I know Jesus died for my sins, and I know that my works can't get me to heaven, or that being a kind person won't either, and I know God says believe with all our heart, right? That is the only way to be with God in heaven, but then it's said (by people) that we are new in Christ, so then they say things like: are you sure you are saved? Because by my own 'expertness' I'm ask that by some, because they don't agree with things about me, but I know God understands me. I know I do thing that Christ isn't pleased with, but yet no matter what I do I feel I can't please God all the way.
I am a weak person. but I know God is taking me to be with him when I leave, but yet I at times wonder am I good enough to go, and I say nooooooo, and I try harder but then I get comfortable in thinking, oh well I try witnessing but I am to weak, I have a brother living with me that does not believe in God, (I am sad for him) anyway, I tell him of God, but I don't witness because I am weak. Why do I not, put me aside, and walk a life as a witness? Why did I keep falling two steps back? I am so confused! There are so many different ways. People say no works can get us to heaven, but yet if one does not do the works of God as they do they say, are you sure you are saved?
Help me with some scriptures, please.
Thank you
Go on to: Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 15 Nov 2004
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