Our Sermon Section
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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Arthur Poletti - 3 Sep 2006

In Reference to: 29 August 1993 - HOW STRONG AND HOW PURE IS OUR LOVE?

Dear Frank & Mary:

Thank you for today's sermon.

I believe the words from your sermon at the bottom of this message apply to all people and the risk they take to feel God's wrath.

Especially people that are fully aware of the totally unnecessary cruelty and premature death to God's creatures and still choose to participate in or support the murder of billions of vulnerable animals each year throughout the World.

The catastrophic disasters to humans and the earth directly related to meat consumption are an example of God's wrath.

For the sake of all animals.


Many times I have seen the hand of God reach out to protect His own and to bring His wrath upon those who came against them.

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