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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Pamm - 23 Jun 2008

In Reference to: 23 June 1991 - ARE WE LIVING AS AMBASSADORS OF CHRIST?

I certainly hope so.......some days it is a struggle to be able to clearly see what it is that He wants..... being vegan is just a teeny part...that is easy.....the task is trying to know and understand what path to take or even to see the path.

Years ago someone added a bit of a �twist� to the old door closed, window open adage.......it meant a lot more to me and seemed so much more focused on what my task is rather than putting it all on God....the twist adds this �It is said that God never closes a door that He does not open a window, but often we are so busy looking at the door closing that we fail to see the window opening�. Right now I am working on that task.

Blessing to you both for all you do


Go on to:  Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 23 Jun 2008

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