Our Sermon Section

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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 16 Apr 2009

In Reference to: 15 April 1990 - ONLY BELIEVE

Dear Leah:

Thank you very much for reaching out for help as you have done, or perhaps a better way of expressing this would be to say that you seem to be looking for support and confirmation about what you already know.

When we become Christians, the Holy Spirit indwells us, and prompts us about the way we should live. Some people refer to this as their conscience. You wrote that you love animals, but denied your heart, which to us is a strong indication that you are hearing and feeling the unction of the Holy Spirit, but are denying His promptings. It's like the title of the sermon, Only Believe; we need to believe in the unction of the Holy Spirit and follow what we know to be true in our heart. The more we allow ourselves to feel the suffering of billions of the animals, the more we will do to help end their suffering, beginning with our diet.

You also see yourself as you really are, and the harmful effects that a worldly diet can have upon your appearance and health. God always shows us the truth, if we allow ourselves to see it, as you have obviously done. You also recognize the worldly and harmful ways of the people around you, and you simply need to say, "NO! I'm not going to be a part of the corruption anymore! I'm going to return to living a compassionate and healthful lifestyle," and then do it.

You might want to visit our animal exploitation section: http://www.all-creatures.org/anex/ and our recipe section: http://www.all-creatures.org/recipes.html to get some added inspiration.

And, please write back anytime you need help or inspiration. We're always here.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

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