Our Sermon Section

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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 15 Jan 2010

In Reference to: 12 Oct 1997 - All Things Are Possible With God

Dear Heather:

Thanks for writing.

You're correct, and we believe it, but we still have to be willing to repent of our former ways and receive God's forgiveness, mercy, and grace. God's grace is not cheap. It comes to us through Jesus Christ and His death.

If we go back to your quoted Ephesians verses and look at verse 10, we note that we are saved for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

What we are referring to is this. If a person refuses to repent and continues to walk in their sinful ways, aren't they really turning their back on God and His grace?

We hope this helps, and we look forward to hearing from you again.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary