Our Sermon Section
By Michael Budkie - 9 Sep 2012
In Reference to: 9 September 2012 - Working for Peace for All Creation
I must say that I found Frank’s sermon today to be particularly moving and motivational. I have thought for a long time that those of us in the animal rights movement need to begin to declare our stance, let people know that Christianity is a part of our lives, and show that Christians can also be animal rights activists. So, right now, my personal status on Facebook reads like this (below), and I urge everyone else on this email list to do the same.
Many people have expressed disappointment in Christian churches and
individuals because they do not speak up for the animals. I would like
everyone to know that some Christian pastors do speak up for the animals,
and very eloquently! One such pastor is the Rev. Frank L. Hoffman and I
found his statement today to be particularly moving!