Our Sermon Section
By Sarah - 8 Jan 2013
In Reference to: 6 January 2013 - Where Was Jesus Born?
Dear Frank
Thank you for your very quick reply, though we are in such different time
zones that I don't get the chance to read it for many hours.
Maybe I'm substituting the struggle for the trust, but I certainly feel like
I have struggled a great deal over many years.
Yes I trust that the light will go on and that the food will be OK, but
that's based on previous experience. I doubt if I'd trust for a light to go
on just because I turned on a switch if I hadn't experienced it before.
(That's actually quite an amazing thing when you think about it, that a
light goes on when you turn a switch!) I feel that it's more like getting on
a train in the middle of the night, with blinds on all the windows and a
very smooth track so I can't feel any motion. So I have doubts about whether
the train is actually moving or whether I'm even on the right train,
especially when I have previously met other people who tell me they saw
beautiful views on their journey. So on my journey I try to look out of the
window to see if I can detect movement, and perhaps I can feel a little bit
of a vibration, nothing more, but there's nothing to see because it's all
dark out there. I begin to think that perhaps I'm on the wrong train which
is just standing still without a driver, and those tiny vibrations were just
wishful thinking.
I feel like I've asked Him many times over and I still feel like I'm somehow
on the outside.