Genesis 8:20-22 - God's Curious Remark
By Barb - 10 Oct 2012
In Reference to: Commentary by Frank L. Hoffman
Dear Lulu,
I loved what you said about God loving the feathers of a sparrow - and the hair on our heads. So many things you said have comforted me. I knew in my heart that a God who loved us so much he created us for this world would not want burnt offerings, but it is wonderful to hear responses from you and others who are "religious" but wise enough to know that man wrote the bible, not God - and mankind is deceiving.
I too cannot believe that someone who never heard of God or an unbaptized baby would go to hell.
If I believed in the bible, I would have to believe that God is violent, unloving, and revengeful to the innocent. I shall always keep the Love of God in my heart and know that we are to be loving like children.
Thank you,
(God Bless your daughter)