Genesis 8:20-22 - God's Curious Remark
By Amy - 8 Jan 2013
In Reference to: Commentary by Frank L. Hoffman
The issue I have is this: you're saying God wants obedience and God
doesn't want animal sacrifice.
We didn't create ourselves. We didn't invent sin, and we didn't make
ourselves prone to it. It was not our idea at all, and a lot of us realize
the suffering that comes from it.
It seems like we are blaming human sin for animal suffering. I don't think
the Bible would say something so specific as God enjoyed the aroma if God
didn't enjoy it.
To be frank, I think of the aroma of meat cooking. I smell it all the time
from restaurants.
I think God approved of and expected sacrifice. I don't get it but sacrifice
is part of the Bible. We refer to Christ as a sacrifice for us. I don't like
it that Jesus had to suffer and die but that's what the bible story says.