Sin and the Fallenness of CreationSin and the Fallenness of Creation
Archive of Comments and Discussions - Questions and Answers From

By Michael Shaw

I have prepared a commentary entitled, "Sin and the Fallenness of Creation" in twelve parts.  They are not meant to start a debate, rather, Frank has read them before and he asked if we could put them on the site, as it would give a roundedness to the many theological positions of our visitors.  At the time I did not want to.

These articles make up a series of sermons I gave at a Mennonite Church. They asked me to talk specifically on that topic, as it was the title of one of their articles of faith (that article's title has since been changed).  What they did not realize is that I would argue that there was no true fall of creation. By the way, these Mennonites still like me.

Table of Contents

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