The Bible and Vegetarian/Vegan Living
Our subjects cover: religion (Christian, Jewish and others); diet and lifestyle (vegan and vegetarian); and other miscellaneous subjects.
Dear Scott:
Very good article!
We have experienced this soul mate bond for nearly 47 years.
When you wrote about God changing the rules because of the fallen world, you are describing a concession which God allows, but that is not what He desires, or is it His creation or heavenly intent, which is the same position we are using with the eating of flesh.
We do disagree that "There is no verse, however, that tells us this heaven on earth is what we should be striving to emulate..."
As we stated in our previous email, we believe that this is very clearly stated in Matthew.
We also believe that your 'case for God's intention in marriage' also makes the case for being vegan, because that was His creation intent, and because we do not need to eat the flesh or bodily secretions of another animal.
In the Love of the Lord,
Frank and Mary
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