The Bible and Vegetarian/Vegan Living


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The Bible and Vegetarian/Vegan Living
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 6 Feb 2009

Dear Bob:

When Noah made the sacrifice after the flood was over, God said, that man is evil from his youth. In our opinion, this clearly shows that God was very unhappy with what Noah had done, even though He accepted his repentance, so we strongly believe that the only reason that God granted the eating of animals is because of their evil nature and He wanted to limit the extent of their evil deeds. This is also why we believe that there are so many diseases associated with raising and eating animals. Humans do not receive blessings for being cruel, they receive curses.

With people who are hard of heart, it doesn't do any good to swap Bible verses. It is best to challenge them on cruelty and on their indifference to the suffering of animals. These are things that Jesus would never do, nor are they things that true disciples of Jesus would do.

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

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