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Dear Betty:
I'm actually a bit encouraged by how your church seems to be responding to you. Forget what the individuals are saying for now . . . go with what the church is allowing you to do. Just remember, they [non- vegetarians] find your choices just as curious as you find theirs. I happen to agree with your choices, but that really isn't the issue now is it.
Rome wasn't built in a day. As limited as you may feel, please notice that you are being given the freedom to express your beliefs and ideas. It's up to you to follow through. You made your requests, you were granted permission. Don't back down now. But, take care to realize that your ideas are new and foreign to the majority. Present your material in an unconfrontational manner without getting into what could be perceived as a "you're wrong" approach.
Please remember that we are dealing with life-long belief systems. People are raised to believe that eating animals is normal and necessary for our survival. You have an opportunity to gently guide and educate. What a beautiful task you have been entrusted with!
Go on to: Comments by Betty - 8 Apr 2008
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