Vegan In Three Months (with God’s help)

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Vegan In Three Months (with God’s help)
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 19 Aug 2008

Dear Andrew:

You were not wasting your breath. We appreciate your letter.

The article you cited was written by Alexandra Raen, but it does reflect much of what is on our web site.

Let's start with our common ground of Christ's message of love: There is nothing loving about the way that farmed animals are treated, and when we look at Proverbs 12:10 we see that it is actually described as being wicked. If we look at the Beatitudes we see the ways that people should be living in order to receive God's blessings, yet most of them are counter to the behavior of the people who farm and slaughter animals, as well as against those who support such practices with their money. And let's not forget about Genesis 1:29-31, where God gave us a vegan diet and pronounced it very good.

And this brings us to our second common ground of God wanting us to be healthy: There is absolutely nothing unhealthful about eating a well rounded, unprocessed plant food diet. On the other hand all the major viral diseases in the world have come form humans farming animals, and every year millions of people get sick from food-borne illnesses stemming from animal feces.

How is what we are saying causing any problems?

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

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