An Entertainment Abuses Article from

Bred to Fight... to the Death in Cockfights

From SHARK SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness
January 2024

You are ripped from your mother and father when you are only small. Chained to barrels outdoors. Exposed the elements. Denied any contact. Pumped full of growth drugs. 

baby Rooster

Spur on Rooster's leg for cockfighting...

What I’m about to share with you about the cruel and illegal bloodsport of U.S. cockfighting are FACTS the abusers hope you NEVER discover.


You are ripped from your mother and father when you are only small. Chained to barrels outdoors. Exposed the elements. Denied any contact. Pumped full of growth drugs.

As you grow, you’re forced to be aggressive. Locked in a fighting pit. With “gaffs”— the equivalent of razor blades — strapped to your little legs, pain and terror are your teachers.

Your lesson?

Destroy other roosters, the bloodier the better. Or suffer and die trying. Punctured, blood-filled lungs. Broken bones. Eyes plucked out. Half-alive losers are tossed in a heartbreaking heap.

Cockfighting is illegal in all 50 U.S. states and all 16 U.S. territories. But the pain and fear continue, and I urgently need your help to EXPOSE the abuse of chicks and roosters... END the suffering... and PUNISH the abusers!


Because here’s the ugly truth the abusers don’t want you to know. There’s a reason why cockfighting is a felony in a number of states… including the stomach-churning animal cruelty, fights are linked to everything from gambling to methamphetamine trafficking.

Even homicide!

Our work is deadly and dangerous. But to truly end the torture and horror of cockfighting, we cannot rest. We MUST keep SHARK’s surveillance drones in the air!

The roosters and tiny chicks have no one else but us to help them. Your caring donation now – whatever you can give! – is literally a lifeline.

The generosity you show will help purchase critical, custom-equipped surveillance drones that can run upwards of $14,700. Plus, controllers for the drones that cost nearly $2,000 each — and high-resolution cameras used by our undercover teams for in-pit footage.

We also need as many $369 recharging stations and special flight batteries as we can afford to purchase, and high-capacity video cards in bulk, at $50 per card, to capture fight footage that is CRUCIAL EVIDENCE in sharing with federal authorities and major media.

In California...Arkansas...Oklahoma...Alabama, and other places... as you read these words, cockfighting events and the suffering they bring continue.

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