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Stop Horse Drawn Carriages

Brussels Bans Horse Carriage Rides - Will New York Be Next?

From Amy Jones,
November 2023

Brussels will stop using horse-drawn carriages in January 2024 and switch to animal-free electric alternatives.

white horses

Brussels has become the latest city to ban horse-drawn carriages, with legislation coming into effect in January 2024. In a move to promote animal welfare, the Belgian capital will replace these carriages with animal-free electric alternatives, according to authorities.

Horse-drawn carriage rides around Brussels currently attract 15,000 tourists yearly, with this service offered by a single operator, Thibault Danthine, and three horses who have been working continuously for more than ten years.

"I've been fighting for four years for the horses that ride around the city centre with tourists. It was hard to see the animals lugging tourists around every day,” said Zoubida Jellab, Alderman for Animal Welfare in Brussels. “Sometimes they only had a five-minute break between two rides. In these temperatures, it's even more difficult.”

Jellab said that the switch from horses to electric vehicles will not result in any loss of business for the operator, with current schedules kept in place. The three new carriages will look almost identical, just without the horse.


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