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Dogs Tormenting and Killing Penned Coyotes

From Animal Justice Canada
August 26, 2023

Earlier this week, we released a troubling new video exposing the horrific practice of penned dog hunting in Ontario—where terrified coyotes are trapped, and used as live bait for dogs to chase and attack. 

Watch undercover video Shocking Exposé: Penned Dog Hunting in Ontario

You can call me Ira. I'm an investigator with Animal Justice.

Earlier this week, we released a troubling new video exposing the horrific practice of penned dog hunting in Ontario—where terrified coyotes are trapped, and used as live bait for dogs to chase and attack.

Today, I'm writing to share my firsthand experience undercover at one of these pens.

I saw terrified coyotes, relentlessly chased by packs of dogs for hours, with hunters callously celebrating the violence. The coyotes are trapped, with no chance to escape the terror inflicted upon them—all so that hunters can get a few cheap thrills.

What's equally heart-wrenching is that the dogs involved in these hunts also suffer. They are often caged and transported in deplorable conditions, and can be injured and exhausted by the hunts. Hunters told me that they would regularly kill off dogs who don’t perform well. We also found heartbreaking photos online of severely injured dogs, including one dog whose thigh was impaled by a thick tree branch.

dogs maul coyote
This 'hunter' stands on the coyote's head as dogs continue mauling.

Over 80 percent of Canadians oppose sport hunting. Penned dog hunting is already illegal in other Canadian provinces and most of the United States. It is absolutely unacceptable for Ontario to expand this bloodsport to cater to the interests of extremist hunting groups.

terrified Coyote
A terrified coyote runs frantically trying to escape the dogs.

I urge you to take a stand for animals today. Please join us in calling on the Ontario government to halt this devastating plan, and protect innocent animals from suffering.

dogs penned coyotes

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