Finally after being lovingly cared for, Ryder was recently humanely euthanized due to his medical conditions and age.
Ryder's last days were filled with love and care and freedom...
You may have heard of Ryder, an NYC carriage horse who fell in the street in mid August. As you may know, we are often called to help horses and owners in distress. Several NYC carriage horses as well as many other working horses have retired with us or found new jobs through us.
Ryder collapsed on August 10...
We have been working with Ryder's new owner, a dedicated compassionate horsewoman, since the night of his mishap. Sometimes, with respect to all parties, we cannot say much publicly, and we will be limited (for now) in this case, too.
Ryder loosed his earthly bonds surrounded by those who cared and came to have an inexplicable loving bond with him. Ryder was given world class veterinary care and close attention by an experienced and skilled horsewoman. He could not overcome serious pre-existing conditions and was given a dignified and peaceful passing. He had many days of green grass and sunshine in his final two months.
We cannot change history, but we can be kind and compassionate, look for good solutions, and we can can do our best to encourage improvement.
Equine Rescue Resource, Inc. (“ERR”), The Sanctuary at Maple Hill Farms, Inc. (“SMH”) and the Unbridled Heroes Project (“UHP”) have joined in this press release to sadly report that Ryder, the carriage horse that gained national attention after collapsing on the street in NYC on August 10 of this year, was recently humanely euthanized due to his medical conditions and age.
While ERR, SMH and UHP were each actively involved by separately visiting with, consulting and supporting Ryder and his NEW OWNER since he was retired from the NYC carriage horse stables, information was not openly shared due to circumstances surrounding the ongoing investigation by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and other factors.
Instead, ERR, SMH and UHP each independently focused on consulting with Ryder’s NEW OWNER to ensure Ryder received the best possible care and treatment. With Ryder’s passing (and the consent of Ryder’s NEW OWNER), ERR, SMH and UHP are now more comfortable sharing some of the facts surrounding his care.
Shortly after his collapse, Ryder’s NEW OWNER took ownership of him from his prior owner at the NYC carriage horse stable and brought him to a farm outside of the City. Ryder’s new owner immediately engaged a variety of veterinary professionals and subsequently brought him to the Cornell Equine Hospital (“Cornell”) for further evaluation and treatment where he spent many days. During his time at Cornell, Ryder was cared for by a team of veterinary professionals that have been consistently recognized as world-wide leaders in equine medicine and one of the best equine hospitals in the United States.
While at Cornell, Ryder was diagnosed with a variety of serious medical conditions that ultimately required him to be humanely euthanized. Ryder is at Cornell once again where a necropsy is being performed. Details regarding the specific conditions are not being released at this time due to the ongoing investigation by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office. We anticipate the Manhattan District Attorney’s office will share additional information as the investigation unfolds. While Ryder is no longer with us, we find some comfort in knowing that Ryder’s NEW OWNER provided him the best possible care, utmost attention and long-needed love that he so deserved.
Ryder’s new owner and many others involved are devastated by his loss. While we are all deeply saddened by this news, we are also encouraged by the efforts of so many who were inspired by Ryder to join forces and help him and other animals in need. We urge all those who have been inspired by Ryder to continue your efforts in assuring the health, safety and humane treatment of all animals.
About Equine Rescue Resource, Inc. Equine Rescue Resource is a NYS nonprofit 501(C)3 organization founded in 1999 to help horses in need. Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome horses that have been abused, neglected, abandoned or are slaughter bound.
About The Sanctuary at Maple Hill Farms, Inc. The Sanctuary at Maple Hill Farms, is a Maine non-profit corporation, tax exempt under IRC 501(c)(3), organized to provide equine welfare and protection services, helping horses and their owners. We take in homeless and neglected horses, rehabilitate and place them, allowing them to remain in sanctuary, if needed. We also provide allied community-based social services. We work with other like-minded non-profit organizations to help provide a more expansive experience, and to create larger opportunities for both horses and people.
About the Unbridled Heroes Project The Unbridled Heroes Project is a Veteran Owned, 501c3 non-profit mustang training and rescue facility which provides refuge and rehabilitation from trauma to both the American hero and the American Mustang. 100 percent of all donations go to the running of our facility, and toward the provision of our free wellness programs for military veterans.